Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Day #7 13/02/2019

And the end of this youth exchange was a big team building activity for all of us. We got to know the key competences facing the Erasmus + program, so we were able to work on the dissemination of this project. We could see and go through the previous activities, findinf out ways how to continue sharing the workshops that we used, evaluate our overall work, the social inclusion and help to each other. As every day has an end, as every story has an end, this project finished here in Barcelona but not our friendship. Now we are wealthy with new friends, knowledge, experience and ready to crush this world. Ready to continue our life but not to forget what we had, what we were doing, what we learnt. To apply the impact and follow up our ideas and use our virtue. We are happy that we had an opportunity like this, thankfully and grateful to be part of this Erasmus program. Changing lives, opening minds... Looking forward for a new discovery! 

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